Friday, 22 April 2011

Double celebration!

Good morning all, and a happy Easter weekend - it's going to be a warm one apparently.

I'm in a rather good mood this morning, I've got two reasons to be very happy. The first reason is that on Wednesday 20th April I FINALLY managed to sucessfully give blood! It was no trouble at all this time, I did get a bit wobbly afterwards though - I get the feeling that I must have gone a bit of a funny colour as three of the Nurses descended on me at once! They were all so wonderful and put me at my ease straight away, I may have said this before but if you are able to donate please, please do. They don't get enough people turning up for it and it saves so many lives.

Anyways, onto the second piece of good news, here are the first measurements I took:

13th August 2010

Body Fat %: 52.9% ++ Very High (48.9kg/ 7st 9lb/ 107lb)
Visceral Body Fat:* 8 (0 Normal)
BMI: 34.0 (Obese)
Weight: 14st 7lb/92.5kg/203lb

And here is the measurement I took today:

22nd April 2011 (8 months later)

Body Fat %: 50.3% (43.2kg/6st 11lb/95lbs) (-2.6% / -5.7kg / -12lb)
Visceral Fat: 7 (-1)
BMI: 31.5 (-2.5)
Weight: 13st 7lb/85.8kg/189lbs (-1st / -6.7kg / 14lb)


It's taken me eight months but it's gone! I have also gone down by one on the Visceral Fat scale which is brilliant, it's taken a very long time to shift that. I am still 'Obese' but, whereas before the arrow on the NHS BMI calcuator stubbornly stuck to the edge, the arrow is now creeping towards the 'Overweight' mark.

It does look like a very depressingly small nudge along the scale doesn't it! I don't mind - it's still a stone!! I still have a long way to go before I'm in the Green but at least I'm trying.

I shall sign off now, have a very wonderful Easter everyone.

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